Friday, August 31, 2012

Top 3 Reasons to Write Your First Money ... - Online Success Articles


By Maritza Parra

Everyone has an expertise of some kind, even if you do not feel that is true at this time. You have knowledge and information that could be helping a certain segment of the population. It?s time to share your gifts, talent and knowledge with the world and create the kind of future you desire. Here are three reasons you should write your money-making Ebook now.

1) You hate your current job.

If you?re unhappy with your present employment, isn?t it a good idea to begin planning your method of escape right now? No better time than the present. An eBook can be the foundation of a stream of income made from the comfort of your own home. No time clock necessary.

2) You might be getting a divorce.

First, I am so sorry to hear that. Second, I know exactly how you must be feeling. This is what happened to me years ago and what got me started on my path to become the Product Creation Queen. I now see what I thought of as my greatest failure was truly a great blessing. I began having panic attacks and doubting everything around me at the time. I began studying meditation and spirituality and I befriended myself again.

Soon I began teaching how I recovered from this devastating event in my life and my first information product business was born. By leveraging the power of the internet, I was even called by Oprah and interviewed on her XM radio show ?The Soul Series?

Sharing how I turned my greatest failure into my most shining success has helped me bring hope to many people and let them know that there is life afterwards, and it can be greater than you ever imagined. By putting all my knowledge, my advice and inspiration into Ebooks I also have different streams of automated income so you never have to depend on anyone but yourself for financial security.

3) You got fired.

If you received a pink slip at work, writing an eBook should be something you seriously consider. It?s one of the most inexpensive products to create. If you do it right, you could have your valuable, information-filled eBook completed in one weekend. My first eBook was the beginning of what I now call my ?PJs Empire? because I turned that one eBook into audios, videos, a membership site, DVDs and more. I?ve set up these products so they just sit on the internet working for me, day and night.

If you are experiencing any of the above, I urge you to write your first eBook right now. Everyone has an expertise of some kind, even if you do not feel that is true at this time. You have knowledge and information that could be helping a certain segment of the population. It?s time to share your gifts, talent and knowledge with the world and create the kind of future you desire.

?Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.? ? Alan Lakein

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my ?Easy Product Creation Secrets? Video when you visit From Maritza Parra ? The Product Creation Queen and Easy Online Marketing Training


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