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Can not easily help others ?euthanasia?

The final winner grudges hard to stop

In view of the defendant for only the behavior of the landfill with soil, is less serious, according to the law should be sentenced to three years imprisonment. A true account of the accused to justice for his crimes, and pleaded guilty in court, as appropriate sentences. However, the economic losses caused by criminal acts to the victim should be compensated.

Zhong Yi pure appealed his conviction that no subjective kill intentionally, should be acquitted, and then filed an appeal. To Ganzhou City Intermediate People?s Court recently upheld the dismissal of the appeal and upheld the original verdict. This means, Zhong Yi-chun to assist an old friend of ?euthanasia? collar criminal two years has been basically settled.

Recently, Zhong Yi-chun the fate of the dust has settled. Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province in the hospital made a second trial, Zhong Yi purely subjective non-indirect intentional,burberry soldes, constitutes negligence causing death is not intentional homicide. Therefore, sentenced to two years.

A ?euthanasia? storm injured two families, experts said the case with specimens of the value of

Zhong Yi pure?s daughter Zhong Donghui same dissatisfaction that the father should be acquitted. ?Who would have 200 dollars to kill His good intentions to help people cover soil sentenced to two years,air jordan pas cher, you say Yuanbu Yuan ?

Zhong Yi-chun assist Zeng Hong commit suicide whether the count of intentional homicide from the beginning of the prosecution and the defense the two sides engaged in a fierce battle.

Intentional homicide VS wrongful death

Long County court held that a purely subjective Zhong Yi does not want the victim Zeng Hong death, their actions constitute negligence causing death, the Public Prosecution Service guilty of intentional homicide charges should be to change.

Had the death of any direct relationship with the clock

Zeng Xiang say fill in the mud it will stink, and he asked Zhong Yi-chun should Pidai into his face, so as not to get face to fill the mud in his face covered with white plastic bags. Zhong Yi purely in accordance with his request.

Told his wife the next day, Zeng Hong leave the house to the bell house, that he died three days later did not go home, do not look for him and let him buried in Zhong behind the Chestnut Park, save burning buried to spend money.

May 25 this year, the hospital judgment Zhong Yi pure guilty of negligence causing death of the crime, sentenced to two years, and compensation for death compensation of 71,050 yuan, 12,348 yuan of funeral expenses a total of 83,398 yuan to the incidental civil action the plaintiff Zhongquan Di and other, limited to paid within two months after the entry into force of the judgment.

Another pure fate decision Zhong Yi Zhong Quandi the testimony of the victim wife. This time,air jordan, she helped Zhong Yi pure busy.

?Intern Xu Wanqi

Long County Court found, Zhong Yi-chun and Zeng Hong Long south county to sell herbal met. Soon, Bell had complained about his disease a few years, very painful, wanted to commit suicide. Bell had advised had not committed suicide, and he will cure.

In the afternoon of October 17, 2010, had about home, after dinner, once said, wanted to commit suicide, the clock to help him fill in the mud buried. Zhong said at the time this is a crime.


Counsel suggested that the victims died of asphyxiation can not rule out the possibility that his own head,air jordan, put a plastic bag by the defendant subjectively unintentional, more in line with the negligence cause the death of the characteristics.

The court decision did not allow the grievances of the two families of corpuscles down. Original defendant family members opt for shouting ?innocent? and said he was the injured party.

The father died suddenly Tsang Ka-brother and sister was injured. Son had Dong Liang, Zeng Hong, said yesterday that the family is not satisfied with the verdict. ?Sentence too light, Zhong Yi-chun should be sentenced to death, he killed a man.? He said, his father had been buried alive in the last breath, the body should be dug to an autopsy and then cremated in accordance with the customs of the rural areas, it is hurt feelings, considered a ?violent death.? And the mother went through the storm, is now unable to quiet life in his hometown.

Zeng Xiang death, at the beginning and confusing. Since October last year, the relevant authorities for up to several months of investigation.


Bell justice pure then excuse said, he had three times to persuade Zeng Hong Do not commit suicide, pit is had their own digging of,polo ralph lauren pas Cher, had to eat the sleeping pills by hand exploration nose lost air will not move, he was buried in the soil, its behavior does not constitute an intentional homicide.

She confirmed, Zeng Hong suffering from schizophrenia, basically every month incidence,abercrombie, onset and curses, drooling,abercrombie france, have tooth ache after taking the drug reaction, very painful. October 16, 2010 Zeng Hong disease,abercrombie france, several times to commit suicide the next day sober, and that it has to commit suicide on October 17. In the afternoon, called bell called to supper.

Collar criminal two years basic settled
?s wife has moved out of the old house.

Investigators at crossing the river town of the mouth of the cloth village group on the morning of October 28 last year in the east side of Hang Mei chestnut park found a pit, to identify, Zeng Hong Department of pit body of a man.

Zhong Yi-chun was caught, the responsibility to take care of the mentally ill brother fell on the Zhongdong Hui shoulders, and her single mother to take care of the 15-year-old son, difficult to support the wages of monthly thousand dollars only,air jordan pas cher, overwhelmed by nearly 8,000 lawyers fees are borrowed. For compensation for the court, she said ?do not understand,jordan, whether you want to apply for a retrial, she was not ready yet.

The next morning, family members in Hong Zeng a few days did not go home and reported to the police. On the morning of October 20, investigators find the body of Zeng Hong and anatomical inspection, commissioned by the Jiangxi jiyuan Forensic Center for forensic pathological examination.

However, the court held that the Zhong Yi-chun did not say to be examined in the investigation stage hand to explore whether the victim still breathing, so the excuse inadmissible.

Long been concerned about the ?euthanasia? of Guangdong Bao Hui Law Firm Senior Partner Lin Cun-bao lawyer, said the issue of euthanasia is very complex, involving many aspects of the moral, ethical, legal, medical, and therefore our country so far have not been enacted. If you help others. ?Euthanasia?, in accordance with the law may be intentional homicide charges punishable by penalties. But, like the defendant in the present case,abercrombie pas cher, wrongful death the crime of conviction and sentencing, and very rare.

But opponents argue that the right to human life above all else, unless the court or war, no person shall be deprived of the lives of others. If authorized by law to carry out euthanasia, or the law of its punishment, it is likely to result in citizens? lives are deprived of the name of euthanasia. Especially in the consciousness of the patient was suffering torture can not be self-made, easy to make errors of judgment. In addition, if the legal recognition of the legality of euthanasia, but also may lead to moral hazard ? such as are unwilling or incapable of supporting the elderly, children may use the name of the euthanasia killing elderly.

Today, China has yet to start the euthanasia legislation, but there are many proposals from NPC deputies to the pilot in some cities.

Long County People?s Procuratorate accused, the afternoon of October 17, 2010, Zeng Xiang Zhong Yi pure, invitations to his home that night the two discuss to take sleeping pills suicide issue, have asked the bell called after him sleeping pills he should not fill buried, bell promised a.

Of Final Appeal

Expert viewpoint

Leaving the family angry, more than 80,000 yuan compensation of the court has become a ?blank check? can not be honored. Zhong Yi pure daughter marrying the son of Zhong Zhijun intermittent psychosis, home penniless, can not afford to repay.


He said that China is the right to life and personality which is more important focus of the controversy of the ?euthanasia?. Supporters argue that human dignity is more important, instead of dying people afflicted by debilitating diseases, it is better to let it die with dignity. Moreover, in most cases, death to choose is the meaning of the deceased; In other words, the results of the ?euthanasia? is the deceased caused, so death is not at fault and should not be held liable.

Lin deposit, regardless of the case the verdict, the community will be controversial. The judgment of the great guiding role, that euthanasia is illegal, may be held criminally responsible. People have this idea or the face of this condition are a deterrent. Perhaps it is the sample value of the case, the promotion of euthanasia legislation in China.

But the lawsuit is doomed no winners. The original defendant, the family insisted that he is the victim, the verdict dissatisfaction. The lawyer said that the judgment is to establish a guide: ?Euthanasia is illegal, may be investigated for criminal liability ? this is the case of specimens of the meaning.

On the morning of October 19, Zeng Hong came to the Zhong Zhong Yi pure 200 yuan wages. After lunch, Zeng Hong Zhong Shan pre-dug pit sleeping pills. Reach this clock justice pure,polo ralph lauren pas cher, about fifteen or sixteen minutes later, the bell called once forty-five audio, but not its response did not confirm their deaths, at their request would have buried soil. Zeng Hong Department of suffocation deaths were identified. Public Prosecution Service identified Zhong Yi-chun, unlawful deprivation of life constitutes the crime of intentional homicide.

?Forensic no obvious trauma, that the: dead Zeng Hong corpse on with the scene, the autopsy, the survey visited the test results analysis, Zeng Hong Department of the pressure of the soil in a plastic bag closed respiratory asphyxia death.

Nearly seventy farmers Zeng Hong ills ridden several times to commit suicide; Zhong Yi-chun, an old friend of farmers, to help the ?euthanasia?. This means that ?helping others? or ?kill? Should the sentence In April of this year, Long County, Jiangxi old man Zhong Yi pure respondent intentional homicide, triggered widespread concern (see our April 26 A9 ?press blue pages? version of the report).
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