Sunday, August 12, 2012

LGBT Parenting - And People Say The Scariest Things

Thinking of the many gay and lesbian couples with children, many of whom are fellow bloggers, (Mark, Guy Dads, etc) I was dismayed when I heard about this comment by a spokesperson of a an anti-gay "family" organization (as is my habit, I will NOT use the name in print), namely that children of same-sex couples should be removed (dare I say kidnapped?) from their homes by some kind of "underground railroad" network of religious fanatics. ?He bases his comments on the supposed trauma suffered by one boy who grew up parented by two Lesbians. ?Troubled?son of Bi/Lesbian Mother source article here

While I cannot discount his personal, subjective experience the individual who wrote this obviously had some issues - which, I believe, he would most likely have had even if he grew up with his biological mother and father.

There are many children, who grow up in dysfunctional homes; ?many who grow up having been parented by one parent, step parents, serial parents, grandparents, group parents, or no parents and several other types of households. ?Some have issues, some don't. ?Having two men or two women as caring, loving and fully engaged parents is as nurturing and healthy - or more so - than having opposite-sex parents or other types of families which may provide less than optimal parenting - and G. knows there are many of those.

The comment by the anti-gay "family" organization spokesperson was reprehensible and irresponsible, and ignorant not to mention just plain stupid. ?I suppose ignorant and stupid is a bit redundant, but that's OK.

Huffington Post source article here

This ignoramus'?comment is so outrageous on so many levels and there is absolutely no logic to be found therein, that it is not even worth refuting. ?But that doesn't make it any less scary. ?These are the kinds of things that may incite others to act in very dangerous ways.

His?idea was fashioned after another news article about a child custody case involving a biological mother and her ex-partner (who happened to be an "ex-lesbian" who found religion).

"Kidnapp Trial" source article here

Apparently, the aforementioned ignoramus thinks it was just peachy-keen to arrange a kidnapping and expatriation of a child in order to "save" the child from any contact with her Lesbian mom.

All I'm saying here is that there are frightening ideas circulating out there - ideas that can infect others and, given the right (or wrong) political environment might encourage some other wingnut to act based on the notion that such ideas have some legitimacy.

That is one of the reasons I felt that the Chicken appreciation day was somewhat akin to a KKK rally. ?It bestowed an aura of legitimacy (by visibility and sheer numbers) to hate speech and hate behavior and emboldened bigots to come out of their closets.

We must call them out at every opportunity.


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