Saturday, February 9, 2013

Louis Tomlinson gets protective over long distance relationship with ...

Uh-oh, he's opened a can of whoop-sass...

Whilst it's all very well and good for us to go a bit doolally over how close the One Direction tour is now, let?s all stop and spare a thought for the 1D WAGs, Eleanor Calder and Danielle Peazer and Perrie Edwards, who will be waving their lads off at the doorstep with white hankies for a flippin? massive eight months.


But it?s not just the girls who?ll be feeling sorry for themselves as they enter the doomed realm of long distance relationships. The Juan Dee hunks are pretty fed up about it too. Louis Tomlinson revealed to Hollywood Life that he does worry about being away from Eleanor.

?It?s a little daunting?, he told them, but he explained that Elounor are strong enough to get through it. ?At the end of the day if you want it to work, it will work. It just requires probably more effort. If your heart?s in it, then you?re not gonna mess about.?

Well said Louis you little ball of cuteness. Get you and your little romantic heart. We're going to go as far as to say that if it was Eleanor sinking into a pile of quick sand, or Louis' hair products, he MIGHT even save El. Jeez man, true love alert.


He also admitted that he struggles when unsupportive fans send Eleanor negative comments and abuse via Twitter. Gotta love 'dem trolls. ?It?s really strange, and the majority of fans don?t hate towards her. It gets a little frustrating seeing that, especially when I?m in a happy relationship.

"But at the end of the day, I am happy and Eleanor is happy, so there?s not really that much more that matters.?

OKAY SASSY PUSS. We love a bit of Elounor, don?t have a go at us. See, beneath that hair flicking, sharp tongued, stripey tshirt wearing exterior, he is just a gooey softey at heart. HOORAH. To celebrate, let's all watch some vintage Luigi...



Do you think that Louis and Eleanor will survive the 1D tour distance?

Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder 'together forever despite tough moments'

Louis Tomlinson doesn't know how long he's been with Eleanor Calder for...?


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