Thursday, January 31, 2013

Is high Klout good for your SEO

In Israel it became a joke. Prior to the recent elections Benjamin Netanyahu?s press officer boasted that the Israeli Prime Minister?s Facebook page had accumulated 50,000 ?likes? in just two days. That?s a lot in local terms. Some thought ? too much. Within an hour of that announcement, a blogger noticed that 32,000 of the new followers were from Indonesia. Yes, that?s right, most of Netanyahu?s Facebook fans had come from the largest Muslim country. Not because of some surprising admiration Indonesians were feeling for the Israeli Prime Minister ? but because they were paid to click ?like? via platforms like Fivrr and Odesk. Embarrassing huh?

Google has pushed SEO towards two major focal points:

The first one is about social indicators and ?content success parameters? that measure the performance of the content engagement performance and distribution.

The second one concerns the two most reknowned Google algorithm changes ? Panda and Penguin. Panda and Penguin push SEO professionals and webmasters to weed out any hint of unnatural, spam-like ?behavior or risk being punished in the SERPs.

Anyone who does not take these two focal points to heart and implement the necessary changes and updates to their Internet presence, is doomed. For SEO folks whose business model is based on tactics like providing unnatural, fake social indicators and social shares and delivering paid-for backlinks and link exchange schemes, the end is near (and there are lot of those SEO companies out there!).

Feigning social popularity has been a major loophole for spammers and Google is painfully aware of the need to address it. I suspect that the search engines are compiling ?quality? scores to define authority and trust of individuals. In the next major algorithm change (I suggest calling it ?Panther?), similarly to how Panda and Penguin have addressed quality and spam of actual websites, the search engines will address the quality and credibility of individuals.?Fraudulent?behavior, like buying 100,000 Twitter followers, could flag you as a socio-spammer. ?Could that raise privacy issues? Sure, but that has never stopped Google before.??Is Google panther change coming up

How frequently do you receive a Twitter ?follow? note from a person with a zillion followers who also follows a zillion Twitter accounts? I get those on a daily basis and until recently, I thought to myself, ?Cool! I?ll follow back and improve my Klout,? simultaneously acknowledging that I?ll never read those Tweets. ?If I am right about the upcoming Google Panther update, and knowing that most of those followers are machine generated, imagine how those Follows will effect my ?Panther? trust score!

It?s really quite simple. If you spend your energy on trying to scheme the system, Google will always catch up with you and that?s going to be really bad for your business. So take the high road. It is?unarguably?more interesting and satisfying to spend your energy on creating quality and delivering a good user experience.


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