Thursday, December 13, 2012

GAO Report Addresses National Efforts to Protect Vulnerable Elderly ...

Elder and Special Needs Law Attorneys Support Findings; Offer Assistance
to Victims and Education on Warning Signs of Financial Exploitation

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) surveyed four states with large elderly populations, officials in federal agencies, and elder abuse experts to address the growing problem of financial abuse of older Americans. The results were published in a recently released report, ?Elder Justice: National Strategy Needed to Effectively Combat Elder Financial Exploitation.?

Members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), a professional association of attorneys dedicated to improving the quality of legal services provided to older Americans and people with special needs, are committed to defending the elderly against scams, identity theft, and other forms of financial exploitation. NAELA members are raising the public?s awareness of financial elder abuse, helping them recognize the warning signs of financial exploitation, and encouraging them to report these crimes through community workshops and working with clients and their families.

?NAELA is committed to protecting the elderly from fraud and other forms of financial abuse. The Academy has partnered with a number of other organizations and agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to take the necessary steps to help put an end to elder financial abuse,? said NAELA President Gregory S. French, CELA, CAP.

To receive a free NAELA brochure, ?Questions and Answers When Looking for an Elder and Special Needs Law Attorney,? contact Communications Specialist Abby Matienzo by email or phone at 703-942-5711, #230.

Find an Elder and Special Needs Law attorney in your area using NAELA?s Member Directory.

About NAELA Members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) are attorneys who are experienced and trained in working with the legal problems of aging Americans and individuals of all ages with disabilities. Established in 1987, NAELA is a non-profit association that assists lawyers, bar organizations, and others. The mission of NAELA is to establish NAELA members as the premier providers of legal advocacy, guidance, and services to enhance the lives of people with special needs and people as they age. NAELA currently has members across the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit


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