Monday, October 29, 2012

The final grueling days on campaign trail

Political Punch

You may have seen reports of the president's whirlwind campaign trip across the country last week, when he visited 8 states, held 6 campaign rallies, and logged 6500 flight miles over the course of just 48 hours. We thought you might like a view from the inside of it all, from the reporters on the grueling cross country trek.

The president's trip began after he wrapped the third and final presidential debate in Boca Raton, Florida. The blitz brought him across the country and back again, traveling to Ohio and Iowa, then on to Colorado to California to Nevada, and back again to Florida before wrapping up his trip with a visit to Virginia and a final stop in Ohio.

Some tips? Neck pillows, eye masks and headphones. But napping can only partially compensate for the loss of a proper night's rest.

While sleep comes in short supply on these sorts of trips, caffeine comes in heavy doses. Many reporters own up to downing copious amounts of sodas, coffee, and other caffeinated beverages. Our own Devin Dwyer estimates that he drank what is normally a week's amount of coffee over the course of a couple of days.

Another key to surviving the campaign trail is to be like an amphibian-like, ready to adapt to whatever weather conditions. In the case of this trip, while it may have started out in beautiful, sunny Florida, it was soon followed by a stop in Colorado, where the weather was cold and rainy. The rule of the road: come prepared for any and every weather possibility.

For more tips for surviving the campaign trail as a reporter, check out this week's Political Punch.

ABC's Jordyn Phelps contributed to this episode.


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