Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Useful Tips to Choose an SEO Friendly Domain Name | Geek ...

If you want to make your presence felt online, then the first and foremost thing you need to do is create a website that will highlight your company. Prior to building the site, you have to find a name for your domain. That?s the website URL. It is highly significant because this website URL is what that is going to represent your company. In addition to this, a domain name that favors SEO should be chosen. This will be one of the deciding factors which determine the page rankings your site will receive. This domain should also include keywords that will help generate significant traffic to your site.

  • One of the most important tips to keep in mind is the pattern of your Domain name. If you take a look at the top rated sites such as Apple, Google or NY Times. You will notice that they all follow the .com pattern. The good thing about this extension is that it is very easy to remember and it is also very simple. Even though you might come across certain other extensions that are equally attractive, the .com pattern is the most famous one and it helps you to get easily recognized online.
  • When you choose a company name, it should register well in your mind. In other words, the domain name should be simple yet attractive. For this reason, it is advisable not to go for domain names that are lengthy and complicated. In case you have already chosen a long name, try to reduce it by making use of abbreviations. For instance if the name of the company is Douglass, Franklin Associates, you can shorten it to dfassociates. One more thing that you need to keep in your mind is to avoid the usage of symbols and numbers.
  • The age of a Domain plays a significant role in increasing the visibility of your site. I know that it might be a little surprising for you. If you are wondering the link between the age of a domain to its visibility, you should know that search engines follow the practice of prioritizing old domain names to new ones. That?s because, older domains are believed to be more active than the newer ones. So naturally, there lies the tendency to receive better ranking. And at the end of the day, that is what all the companies strive for.
  • The sequence in which keywords are chosen is important. For this you need to spend some time and effort in analyzing what type of words your target audience would love. You should be able to strike a chord with their ideas and know the type of words they use while searching for a particular topic. Normally, they would use a particular logic and you have to choose your domain name accordingly. In a nutshell, the order of words matter a lot.
  • The keywords that you choose for the domain should be linked to your business. That is the only way by which you can get your website indexed by noted search engines. This is one of the quick ways to get better page rankings. When the ranking is good, your site holds a better chance to be placed in the top page. Not only this, but viewers also be able to remember your site easily.

Follow these simple tips to drive maximum traffic to your site.

This is a guest post by Samantha Kirk of, a site that offers savings and current information on Remote Tech Support.


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