Friday, May 24, 2013

Some unions now angry about health care overhaul

WASHINGTON (AP) ? When President Barack Obama pushed his health care overhaul plan through Congress, he counted labor unions among his strongest supporters.

But some unions leaders have grown frustrated and angry about what they say are unexpected consequences of the new law ? problems that they say could jeopardize the health benefits offered to millions of their members.

The issue could create a political headache next year for Democrats facing re-election if disgruntled union members believe the Obama administration and Congress aren't working to fix the problem.

"It makes an untruth out of what the president said, that if you like your insurance, you could keep it," said Joe Hansen, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. "That is not going to be true for millions of workers now."

The problem lies in the unique multiemployer health plans that cover unionized workers in retail, construction, transportation and other industries with seasonal or temporary employment. Known as Taft-Hartley plans, they are jointly administered by unions and smaller employers that pool resources to offer more than 20 million workers and family members continuous coverage, even during times of unemployment.

The union plans were already more costly to run than traditional single-employer health plans. The Affordable Care Act has added to that cost ? for the unions' and other plans ? by requiring health plans to cover dependents up to age 26, eliminate annual or lifetime coverage limits and extend coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.

"We're concerned that employers will be increasingly tempted to drop coverage through our plans and let our members fend for themselves on the health exchanges," said David Treanor, director of health care initiatives at the Operating Engineers union.

Workers seeking coverage in the state-based marketplaces, known as exchanges, can qualify for subsidies, determined by a sliding scale based on income. By contrast, the new law does not allow workers in the union plans to receive similar subsidies.

Bob Laszewski, a health care industry consultant, said the real fear among unions is that "a lot of these labor contracts are very expensive and now employers are going to have an alternative to very expensive labor health benefits."

"If the workers can get benefits that are as good through Obamacare in the exchanges, then why do you need the union?" Laszewski said. "In my mind, what the unions are fearing is that workers for the first time can get very good health benefits for a subsidized cost someplace other than the employer."

However, Laszewski said it was unlikely employers would drop the union plans immediately because they are subject to ongoing collective bargaining agreements.

Labor unions have been among the president's closest allies, spending millions of dollars to help him win re-election and help Democrats keep their majority in the Senate. The wrangling over health care comes as unions have continued to see steady declines in membership and attacks on public employee unions in state legislatures around the country. The Obama administration walks a fine line between defending the president's signature legislative achievement and not angering a powerful constituency as it looks ahead to the 2014 elections.

Union officials have been working with the administration for more than a year to try to get a regulatory fix that would allow low-income workers in their plans to receive subsidies. But after months of negotiations, labor leaders say they have been told it won't happen.

"It's not favoritism. We want to be treated fairly," said Hansen, whose union has about 800,000 of its 1.3 million members covered under Taft-Hartley policies. "We would expect more help from this administration."

Sabrina Siddiqui, a Treasury Department spokeswoman, declined to discuss the specifics of any negotiations between the administration and union officials. But she said the law helps bring down costs and improve quality of care.

Katie Mahoney, executive director of health policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said employers were concerned about possible increases in health care costs and would do what was needed to keep their businesses running and retain worker talent. The Chamber has not taken a position on the union concerns, but Mahoney said it was highly unlikely that the administration would consider subsidies for workers in the union plans.

"They are not going to offset the expense of added mandates under the health care law, which employers and unions are going to pay for," Mahoney said.

Unions say their health care plans in many cases offer better coverage with broader doctors' networks and lower premiums than what would be available in the exchanges, particularly when it comes to part-time workers.

Unions backed the health care legislation because they expected it to curb inflation in health coverage, reduce the number of uninsured Americans and level the playing field for companies that were already providing quality benefits. While unions knew there were lingering issues after the law passed, they believed those could be fixed through rulemaking.

But last month, the union representing roofers issued a statement calling for "repeal or complete reform" of the health care law. Kinsey Robinson, president of the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, complained that labor's concerns over the health care law "have not been addressed, or in some instances, totally ignored."

"In the rush to achieve its passage, many of the act's provisions were not fully conceived, resulting in unintended consequences that are inconsistent with the promise that those who were satisfied with their employer-sponsored coverage could keep it," Robinson said.

Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Firefighters, said unions have been forceful in seeking solutions from the Obama administration, but none have been forthcoming. While Congress could address the problem by amending the health care law, Schaitberger said Senate Democrats told union leaders earlier this month that any new legislation was highly unlikely.


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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Google's conversational search goes live with latest version of Chrome

Google's conversational search goes live with latest version of  Chrome

After revealing it at I/O 2013 only days ago, Google's new conversational voice search function is up and running on Chrome 27. If you've got that version, you'll now get a spoken response on top of a web page display when using the voice search function (the microphone in the main search window), for starters. More interestingly, the new feature also includes semantic search, meaning you can ask follow-up questions without repeating needless info -- for instance, "who's the CEO of GE?" can now be followed up with "how old is he?" and Google will know who "he" is. We gave it a spin for ourselves and found that when it worked, it worked well, however, the system may be overwhelmed by the launch and is giving us a "no internet connection" message most of the time -- not exactly what we're looking for.

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Via: Search Engine Land


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Rescue teams comb Oklahoma tornado rubble for buried survivors

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rescue workers with sniffer dogs and searchlights combed through the wreckage of a massive tornado to ensure no survivors remained buried in the rubble of primary schools, homes and buildings in an Oklahoma City suburb.

The massive tornado on Monday afternoon flattened blocks of the town, killed at least 24 people and injured about 240 in Moore, just outside Oklahoma City.

But as dawn approached, officials were increasingly confident that everyone caught in the disaster had been accounted for, despite initial fears that the twister had claimed the lives of more than 90 people.

Jerry Lojka, spokesman for Oklahoma Emergency Management, said search-and-rescue dog teams would search on Wednesday for anybody trapped under the rubble, but that attention would also be focused on a huge cleanup job.

"They will continue the searches of areas to be sure nothing is overlooked," he said, adding: "There's going to be more of a transition to recovery."

More than 1,000 people had already registered for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which sent hundreds of workers to Oklahoma to help with the recovery, a White House official said.

After a long day of searching through shattered homes that was slowed by rainy weather, Oklahoma County commissioner Brian Maughan said it seemed no one was missing.

"As far as I know, of the list of people that we have had that they are all accounted for in one way or another," he said.

As he spoke, dog teams and members of the National Guard were changing shifts to work through the night.

The death toll of 24 was lower than initially feared, but nine children were among the dead, including seven who died at Plaza Towers Elementary School which took a direct hit by the deadliest tornado to strike the United States in two years.

Emergency workers pulled more than 100 survivors from the debris of homes, schools and a hospital after the tornado ripped through the Oklahoma City region with winds exceeding 200 miles per hour (320 kph), leaving a trail of destruction 17 miles (23 km) long and 1.3 miles (2 km) wide.

Plaza Towers Elementary was one of five schools in its path. "They (rescuers) literally were lifting walls up and kids were coming out," Oklahoma State Police Sergeant Jeremy Lewis said. "They pulled kids out from under cinder blocks without a scratch on them."

The National Weather Service upgraded its calculation of the storm's strength on Tuesday, saying it was a rare EF5, the most powerful ranking on the Enhanced Fujita Scale

The last time a giant twister tore through the area, on May 3, 1999, it killed more than 40 people and destroyed thousands of homes. That tornado also ranked as an EF5.

While Oklahoma Emergency Management's Lojka said a flyover of the affected area on Tuesday showed 2,400 homes damaged or obliterated, with an estimated 10,000 people affected, the death toll was lower than might have been expected.

The toll was also a fraction of that of the 2011 twister in Joplin, Missouri, which killed 161 people.

In the hours following the storm, many more people were feared dead. At one point, the Oklahoma state medical examiner's office said the toll could rise as high as 91, but on Tuesday officials said 24 bodies had been recovered, down from a previous tally of 51.

"There was a lot of chaos," said Amy Elliott, chief administrative officer for the medical examiner.

Some ascribe the relatively low number of dead residents discovered in Moore, home to 55,000 people, to the fact many locals have small "storm safe" shelters, basically a concrete hole in the garage floor with a sliding roof that locks.

Billy McElrath, 50, of Oklahoma City, said his wife hid in a storm safe in their garage when the tornado hit.

She emerged unhurt even though the storm destroyed the 1968 Corvette convertible she had bought him as a birthday present, and crushed a motorcycle. "Everything else is just trashed," he said as he loaded a pickup with salvaged goods.

Kraig Boozier, 47, took to his own small shelter in the Westmoor subdivision of Oklahoma City and watched in shock as a fan in the wall was ripped out.

"I looked up and saw the tornado above me," he said.

When he came out after the storm, he helped a neighbor who had emerged from her own shelter move a car that was blocking the entrance to another neighbor's shelter.

Officials said another factor behind the surprisingly low death toll was the early warning, with meteorologists saying days in advance that a storm system was forming.

Once a tornado was forming, people had 15 to 20 minutes of warning, which meant they could take shelter or flee the projected path. The weather service also has new, sterner warnings about deadly tornadoes to get people's attention.

Many of those who do not have a basic storm shelter at home, which can cost $2,500 to $5,000, have learned from warnings over the year to seek hiding places at home during a tornado.

Jackie Raper, 73, and her daughter, for instance, sought shelter in the bathtub in her house in Oklahoma City to survive the tornado.

"The house fell on top of her," said Caylin Burgett, 16, who says Raper is like a grandmother to her. Raper broke her arm and femur, and bruised her lungs, Burgett said.


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Pay attention: How we focus and concentrate

May 23, 2013 ? Scientists at Newcastle University have shed new light on how the brain tunes in to relevant information.

Publishing in Neuron, the team reveal the interplay of brain chemicals which help us pay attention in work funded by the Wellcome Trust and BBSRC.

By changing the way neurons respond to external stimuli we improve our perceptual abilities. While these changes can affect the strength of a neuronal response, they can also affect the fidelity of that response.

Lead author Alex Thiele, Professor of Visual Neuroscience explains: "When you communicate with others, you can make yourself better heard by speaking louder or by speaking more clearly. Neurons appear to do similar things when we're paying attention. They send their message more intensely to their partners, which compares to speaking louder. But more importantly, they also increase the fidelity of their message, which compares to speaking more clearly.

"Our earlier work has shown that attention is able to affect the intensity of responses -- in effect the loudness -- by means of the brain chemical acetylcholine. Now we have shown that the fidelity of the response is altered by a different brain chemical system."

In the paper, the team reveal that the quality of the response is altered by means of glutamate coupling to NMDA receptors (a molecular device that mediates communication between neurons). Carried out in a primate model, these studies for the first time isolate different attention mechanisms at the receptor level.

The research builds on the team's previous studies and has potentially significant implications not only for our understanding of how our brains work but also give an insight into conditions such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease and attention deficit disorder, and may aid in the development of treatments for them.


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Social Media?s Immigration March on Washington

May 22, 2013 7:58pm

The current march on?Washington won?t fill the National Mall, or see an influx of buses down Constitution Avenue. But what it will do is clog your inbox.

You can only see it on your computer, or mobile device, but it?s out there: a two- day virtual march on Washington with the goal of demanding immigration reform.

?We don?t see this as exclusive of a regular march,? Jeremy Robbins, director of the Partnership for a New American Economy, told ABC News. ?It?s 2013 and the way we communicate is broader and different than it was a generation ago, and we want to be able to maximize all the ways we can to push Congress.?

The event, which started today and goes until Thursday night, is organized by Mayor Bloomberg?s immigration forces in partnership with President Obama?s OFA (Organizing for Action) and asks viewers to send their senators emails, tweets and Facebook messages demanding immigration reform.

?We tried to leverage all the different social media tools for all the different purposes,? Robbins said in order to garner attention for the event.

President Obama even retweeted former Florida governor Republican Jeb Bush: ?Delaying solutions will only make the problem grow. NOW is the time for immigration reform. Join the #iMarch??

Twitter chats with Bloomberg kicked things off this morning. Google hangouts, Mashable and Tumblr are all resources used for the iMarch.? The event will live stream music and documentaries with the goal to push people to their website, where they make it easy for users to quickly locate their senator and, with just a click of the mouse, send a message.

One of the things that make this march different, Robbins says, is the flexibility it allows.

?If you are relying just on typical ways of lobbying, physical marches, etc., those are very powerful tools and we use all of them,? he said. ?One of the benefits of a virtual match is there are no hotel rooms to book, no permits to obtain?. So you can time the virtual march to when it?s going to be most effective in the debate.?

Just yesterday the Senate Judiciary committee voted to send the immigration bill to the full Senate for debate.

The launch of #iMarch saw the biggest?political?thunderclap of all time, reaching over 45 million users. A Thunderclap is a way for many users to coordinate their social media messages to post simultaneously.

?We don?t want to pretend that we are starting from scratch, but this is a new area and this is just a start,? Robbins said. ?We are going to keep pushing, keep marching and see this through the entire Senate and then see it through the House.?


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Solar Impulse airplane is setting solar-powered flight record in Texas


2 hours ago

Image: Solar Impulse

Solar Impulse

The Solar Impulse airplane takes off from Phoenix for Dallas-Fort Worth on Wednesday.

The Swiss-made Solar Impulse plane went after a distance record for solar-powered flight on Wednesday as it sailed from Phoenix to Dallas-Fort Worth, on the second leg of its coast-to-coast odyssey across America.

The super-light, super-wide plane rose from its runway at Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport at 4:47 a.m. MST (7:47 a.m. ET) with Andre Borschberg, Solar Impulse's co-founder and CEO, at the controls. He guided the plane through Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas, conducting a string of interviews from the air.

"It's flying very well," Borschberg told NBC News a couple of hours after takeoff.

Although the cockpit had room for only one flier, many more people were looking over his shoulder, thanks to a live video link. "They're all with me virtually," Borschberg said.

Flight controllers said the plane was making such good time that Borschberg would have to fly in a holding pattern before landing at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The latest word was that touchdown might come earlier than scheduled, perhaps before midnight CT (1 a.m. ET Thursday).

That would make for a 17-hour flight, which wouldn't break any speed records.You could drive between Phoenix and Dallas in less time, and most commercial jets make the trip in two hours. But the 830-mile trek would break the distance record for a single solar-powered flight. Borschberg set the current record, 693 miles (1,116 kilometers), a year ago during a Solar Impulse flight from Switzerland to Spain.

The Solar Impulse project began in 2003 with a 10-year budget of 90 million euros ($115 million), backed by Swiss sponsors. The plane is designed to demonstrate a host of clean-energy technologies, ranging from lightweight carbon composites to the 12,000-solar-cell system that powers the plane. The airplane is as light as a typical passenger car, but its wingspan matches the width of a jumbo jet.

On Wednesday, the plane ranged as high in altitude as 27,000 feet, soaking up the sun's energy as it went. "The more I fly, the more energy I have aboard the airplane," Borschberg said.

In addition to the technical challenges, mission planners had to coordinate their itinerary with the Federal Aviation Administration and airport authorities to avoid conflicting with regular air traffic. "It's not easy," Borschberg admitted.

Famed adventurer Bertrand Piccard piloted the plane on the first leg of its cross-country journey on May 3, from Moffett Field in the San Francisco Bay Area to Phoenix. Piccard and Borschberg are taking turns in the cockpit as Solar Impulse makes its way eastward. After Dallas-Fort Worth, the plane is scheduled to move on to St. Louis, and then to Washington, D.C. The final leg of the trip, from Washington to New York, is expected to come sometime around the Fourth of July.

Updates on Wednesday's flight are being provided via Solar Impulse's website and its Twitter account (@solarimpulse).


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

?A Peculiar Moaning Sound?

The funnel of a tornadic thunderstorm almost touches the ground near South Haven, in Kansas May 19, 2013.

A tornado in Kansas on Sunday

Photo by Gene Blevins/Reuters

Many survivors of the recent Oklahoma tornado compared the sound of the twister to that of a train. Before the advent of railroads, how did people describe the sound of a tornado?

Roaring, rumbling, buzzing, or hissing. Tornado survivors have compared the sound of the storm to a waterfall, stampeding bulls, or a massive swarm of bees, according to tornado historian Tom Grazulis. A review of 19th-century news reports suggests that, even decades after the advent of train travel, the most common adjective was ?roar.? Hoosiers heard a ?roaring, crashing sound? during an 1890 tornado. Nine years later, residents of Iowa?s Soldier River Valley claimed they could hear the roar from 20 miles distant. Other survivors described the sound of a tornado as more of a ?rumble,? with some even comparing it to the noise made by an earthquake. (Many tornado-prone regions are also seismically active.)

It was common to liken the sound of a tornado to that of a freight train by the end of the 19th century, but the comparison didn?t become de rigueur until well into the 20th. Today, survivors rely almost exclusively on the locomotive metaphor, even though train travel is in decline. (Up-to-date commentators occasionally liken the storm?s noise to that of a jet engine, suggesting the resemblance has more to do with combustion than the sound of steel-on-steel.) The railroad clich? is so ingrained that even adventurous commentators now feel obligated to include some kind of train reference. A survivor of Monday?s twister said, ?It was like a freight train came out of a lion's mouth.?

The narrowing of our twister vocabulary is unfortunate, at least from an aesthetic point of view, because old-timey tornado stories were delightful. The Pentwater News of Michigan described an 1881 Minnesota tornado thusly: ?It was a hades of darkness and lurid lightning flashes?a babel of confusion of sounds. The tornado roared with terrible fury for the space of fifteen minutes.? In 1885, the Daily True American reported that, just before a tornado ripped through Philadelphia, construction workers heard ?a peculiar moaning sound seeming to come from toward New Jersey.?

Some experts simply don?t hear the resemblance between trains and twisters. Noted storm chaser Howard Bluestein has never heard a train-like sound in his years of tornado observation, although he once heard what he described as a ?low roar.? Bluestein thinks that the train sound is perhaps only detectable to those extremely close to the twister, but storm chaser David Hoadley said the only time that he ever heard the fabled train noise, he couldn?t even see the twister. In addition, some tornadoes don?t roar or rumble at all but emit a whining or whirring sound.

Several experts have attempted, mostly in vain, to scientifically define the sound of a tornado. During the 1960s and ?70s, physicists recorded a series of twisters and looked for a sound signature that would have indicated a tornado was on the way, but the audible sound waves were too variable to make useful generalizations. Experts made slightly more progress in examining frequencies below the range of human hearing, but even those signatures are of limited value.

Got a question about today?s news? Ask the Explainer.

Explainer thanks reader Larrie D. Ferreiro for asking the question.


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Te'o off-limits to media but not Maxim party

San Diego Chargers rookie linebacker Manti Te'o, right, runs a drill during Chargers training camp Monday, May 20, 2013, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

San Diego Chargers rookie linebacker Manti Te'o, right, runs a drill during Chargers training camp Monday, May 20, 2013, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

San Diego Chargers rookie linebacker Manti Te'o grabs a catch during Chargers training camp Monday, May 20, 2013, in San Diego. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

San Diego Chargers Manti Te'o gets a drink during the teams' OTA's in San Diego, Monday, May 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)

San Diego Chargers Manti Te'o takes a break as teammate Melvin Ingram wipes away the sweat during the hot weather during the teams' OTA's in San Diego, Monday, May 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Lenny Ignelzi)

SAN DIEGO (AP) ? The San Diego Chargers are keeping Manti Te'o off-limits to the media ? for now.

The star linebacker was barred from speaking with reporters at the Chargers' second open session of organized team activities.

That doesn't mean Te'o isn't out and about.

Maxim confirmed Monday that Te'o attended a party last week in Hollywood after the magazine included his fake girlfriend on its list of the world's hottest women. Rookie coach Mike McCoy says he didn't know Te'o went to the party.

Te'o was part of a girlfriend hoax that drew national headlines. He also had a poor performance in Notre Dame's blowout loss to Alabama in the national championship game.

Associated Press


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There are many details you must consider prior to you employ a personal injury attorney. First, you?ll wish to determine if you ?d like to pay based upon a per hour rate, or establish a contingency basis. Per hour rates differ by the lawyer, so see to it all details are in the contract.
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There are a lot of events that can be categorized as personal injury accidents, not the least of which are ?slip and falls? and traffic crashes. Anything that results in physical or psychological damage may be deemed a personal injury.


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I can't help you? - The Best Fitness and Weight Loss Group ...

My heart was racing, my throat was tight, my ears were ringing and that little vein in my forehead was standing at attention?

At least that?s how it felt. I was listening to this:

?Uncle Steve, I just want to tone. I don?t want to get all big and bulky, I just want to lose some weight.? What really happens2

Rubbing the inside of the back of head with my palms pressed against my eyelids didn?t seem to stop the anguish, so I stopped, looked up and said, ?I can?t help you. You?ll need to go somewhere else for that.?

In the words of Yoda, ?Stunned she was!?

I?ve had this conversation with her, and a number of other clients, over the years and for some reason it just doesn?t seem to sink in?so I?m putting it down in written form.

I?m Not THAT Guy

First and foremost, let?s define what it means to lose ?weight?, shall we?

When the body loses weight, it loses, or potentially loses:

  1. Fluids
  2. Bone mass
  3. Brain mass
  4. Muscle (yes, the heart is a muscle)
  5. Vital nutrients, minerals and enzymes from the system
  6. Strength
  7. Stamina
  8. A healthy look

MMmmm?it all sounds so appealing?

If someone wants to lose ?weight? they merely need to be more selective about the quantity of food they ingest each day. Doesn?t even need to be good quality food, just limit the number of calories to below maintenance levels and VIOLA?weight loss occurs!

Of course, it all comes with all of the aforementioned benefits in varying levels and degrees.

Now of course, if one has a desire look lean, sexy and good in a swim suit on the beach, that is a whole ?nuther matter!

This is where successful fat loss, combined with resistance training to elicit a stimulus for the attainment of firm, well shaped and defined tissue (please, feel free to substitute the word ?muscle? for ?tissue?, then look at the photo above to see how good it can look) through sound and supportive nutritional measure combined with solid training practices come in handy.

You see, I can?t?or more specifically, I WON?T?help someone to lose weight. That is irresponsible and unprofessional.

I will help someone to lose FAT, to earn the body they want to live in and to achieve a level of successful health, fitness and wellness they can live with for a long time.

Like Karen here:Karen before and after

Karen has been working hard for the last 6 weeks to get married soon.

She stuck with the plan, lifted hard, ate right and is reaping the rewards of her efforts.

She?s down from a size 8 to a size 2.

No big, bulky muscle. Just lean and firm with a ?ready for the beach? body.

You want some of this?

Come get some?



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Monday, May 20, 2013

up**NEWS$$$$$$$WWE Extreme Rules 2013 Live Streaming How ...

WWE PPV wrestling Extreme Rules 2013 is going to be held on May 19, 2013 at Scottrade Center,St. Louis, Missouri.This will be the fifth Extreme Rules pay per view and the seventh under the Extreme Rules slogan.

Date: Sunday May 19, 2013
Time: 8PMET or 5PMPT
Venue Scottrade Center
City St. Louis, Missouri
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger
John Cena (c) vs Ryback
Brock Lesnar vs Triple H
Sheamus vs Mark Henry

How To Watch :
Here I am telling the ways to watch Extreme Rules 2013 Live . One can watch directly,on TV or online also. You can also listen the Extreme Rules 2013 Live on radio.

Live on TV
Extreme Rules 2013 is going to broadcast by the following TV channels? AT&T U-Verse TV, BrightHouse Networks, Cable One, Cablevision, Charter, Comcast(xfinity), Cox Communications, DIRECTV, DISH TV, Insight Digital Cable, Knology,Mediacom, RCN, Suddenlink, Time Warner Cable, Verizon FIOS TV

Live Streaming Online on PC
The action starts Sunday, May 19, at 8PM ET/5PM PT, live on pay-per-view. visit:
You can also watch the event on including iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch,Google Play store,Amazon AppStore,Windows 8 AppStore.
One can also watch the show live streaming online free streaming site like, .
I may try to collect the free streaming video of?Extreme Rules 2013 if find then will provide in this site.
Live on Table & Mobile
The event on the popular and powerful Xbox 360 gaming console. WWE PPV by signing into your Xbox Live account and visiting the Microsoft Store.
WWE?s biggest events are now available for viewing on Samsung 2012-2013 Smart TV?s. visit SamsungApps on your Smart TV.

Watch Live Directly
You can watch WWE Extreme Rules, at 6:30pm (local time) on Sunday, May 19 at Scottrade Center in St. Louis. MO.
to watch you have to buy ticket from . Please buy tickets & going to the events place on the day of the event watch & enjoy the biggeset WWE PPV wrestling.
So Watch & enjoy the biggest WWE PPV wrestling Extreme Rules 2013 live streaming online on PC, Tablet , Mobile .& keep in touch with us


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All-day kindergarten approved in education bill (Star Tribune)

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Visteon's HABIT is a concept infotainment system that puts road trip copilots out of a job (video)

Visteon's incar HABIT concept infotainment system puts road trip copilots out of a job

A good acronym also hints at what it does, and Visteon's new intelligent in-car concept, HABIT, is a good example of that. The Human Bayesian Intelligence Technology system -- to give it its full name -- learns the behaviour of drivers so it can automatically change the temperature, heat the seats and drop that Biohazard album just when you need it most. Factors such as weather, time of day and real-time road conditions all play a part, plus, of course a log of all your typical in-car interactions. It promises to go above just warming your behind on a cold morning though, offering intelligence that would be able to divine local radio stations that play your kind of jam when you're out of town. It could also seamlessly mix these with your local / tablet / smartphone library and internet sources. Sound a little too creepy? Wait until you see the computer-generated demo video presenter past the break.

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Via: Autoblog


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Facebook IPO: a bittersweet one-year anniversary

One year after the disastrous Facebook IPO, the company is making strides in mobile ad revenue, but its stock price is still far below its original IPO price. Also this week: Consumer sentiment hits six-year high; retail sales rise unexpectedly; and the world has a new (old) richest person.?

By Schuyler Velasco,?Staff writer / May 18, 2013

On May 18 one year ago, Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg, center, rang the opening bell of the Nasdaq stock market from Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., to announce Facebook's initial public offering. The IPO floundered badly, but Mr. Zuckerberg has staged something of a comeback by pushing into mobile ad revenue.

Zef Nikolla/Nasdaq via Facebook/AP/File


Facebook IPO one year later: The initial public offering that was supposed to signal a new era for social media turned instead into one of the most botched IPOs in US history. The stock fell by more than half its opening price in a matter of months. Investors weren't convinced Facebook could translate all its online activity into a big revenue stream.

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Staff writer/editor

Schuyler Velasco is a writer and editor for the Monitor's business desk.? She writes about consumer issues, sports, and the occasional sandwich.

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In the past year, the social media giant has staged a comeback. Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has made a big effort in improving Facebook's mobile experience and generating ad revenue from it. The company reported that in less than a year, about 30 percent of its total ad revenue ? some $375 million in the first three months of 2013 ? came from mobile ads. The mobile ad industry is expected to skyrocket in the next several years, so Facebook can expect strong growth, analysts say.

But investors don't seem convinced. On Friday, Facebook stock closed at $26.25, still 31 percent below the $38 per share price it opened at one year ago.

Consumer sentiment soars:?The University of Michigan?s index of consumer sentiment rose to 83.7 in its initial May reading. If it holds, that would be the highest level for the index since 2007, before the Great Recession took hold. Both consumers? economic expectations and current conditions improved, outpacing analysts? expectations.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Out To Sea: New South America land adventures enhance ...

Ft. Lauderdale, FL -- Silversea Expeditions has introduced new multiple-day land excursions to complement voyages to the Gal?pagos Islands aboard Silver Galapagos, the luxury expedition ship set to debut in late September, featuring 50 ocean-view suites (many with private balconies), gourmet cuisine, and the personalized service of a butler. Silversea guests who have the opportunity to explore the remarkable natural wonders of the Gal?pagos Islands - from their base of luxury aboard Silver Galapagos -- may now enhance their expedition cruise experience with extraordinary journeys to South America.

"Because the Gal?pagos Islands are such a unique destination and on most everyone's list of must-see places, we wanted to make sure our pre- and post-cruise land programs would add as rich an experience," said Darius Mehta, Silversea's vice president of air and land programs. "These land extensions have been carefully curated to showcase the breathtaking landscapes and intriguing cultures of the Andes and the Amazon, while delivering the signature comfort and style that Silversea guests expect."

The following land adventures feature deluxe accommodations, all transportation, transfers, guided sightseeing and some meals. Prices are per person, based on double occupancy.

Amazon Explorer -- Travelers on this unique journey to Peru's Amazon basin may witness pygmy marmosets, howler monkeys, colorful toucans and other exotic wildlife that inhabit the region's lowland forests. Participants will cruise the Amazon in all-suite luxury aboard m/v Aqua, dining on perhaps the finest Amazonian-Peruvian gourmet cuisine on the river. Expert naturalists will be on hand to share insights about this amazing and fragile ecosystem. This six-night, post-cruise program departs from Lima and is priced from $6,259.

Puno & Lake Titicaca -- The magnificent Andes and Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, are the setting for this pre-cruise adventure from Lima. Highlights include a visit to the Sillustani tombs, a cruise to the floating reed islands of the Uros people with their centuries-old way of life, and a visit to Taquile Island to admire ancient weaving traditions. This four-night program is priced from $3,469.

Machu Picchu Explorer -- Set high in the Peruvian Andes, amid craggy peaks and billowing clouds, is the glorious Lost City of the Incas, Machu Picchu. In addition to exploring this spectacular monument of human achievement, participants will enjoy a scenic roundtrip journey in Peru's Vistadome train. Departing from Lima, the program is available as a pre- or post-cruise option of 3 or 4 nights. Prices start from $3,299.

Machu Picchu Grande Explorer -- Similar to Machu Picchu Explorer, this three- or four-night land program features a journey to Machu Picchu aboard the legendary Hiram Bingham, one of the world's top ten rail journeys. Travelers will enjoy brunch with live music as they journey through the dramatic Andean scenery. Also included is an overnight stay at the famed Sanctuary Lodge, the only hotel just steps away from the ancient Inca citadel. Departing from Lima, the program is available as a pre- or post-cruise option. Prices start from $4,299.

Silver Galapagos sails Saturday to Saturday on seven-day roundtrip voyages from Baltra Island, following either a western or north central route. These expedition cruises offer adventurous travelers the life-enriching chance to discover a wild, pristine paradise that has long been regarded as a natural laboratory of evolution. On complimentary expeditions ashore guided by an experienced expedition team (certified by the Gal?pagos National Park Service), Silversea's guests may experience up-close encounters with an abundance of wildlife that includes sun-basking land iguanas, giant tortoises, blue- and red-footed boobies, colorful marine iguanas, sea lions, penguins and Darwin's famous finches. About Silversea Cruises
Silversea Cruises, which is chaired by Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidio, is recognized as an innovator in the luxury cruise line industry, offering guests large-ship amenities aboard its intimate, all-suite vessels: Silver Cloud, Silver Wind, Silver Shadow, Silver Whisper and Silver Spirit ? all designed to offer an atmosphere of conviviality and casual elegance. With the inclusion of the expedition ships Silver Explorer and Silver Galapagos (debuting late 2013), Silversea Cruises' itineraries encompass all seven continents and feature worldwide luxury cruises to the Mediterranean, Caribbean, both polar regions and over 500 fascinating destinations in between.

In the U.S., Silversea has been voted "World's Best" by the readers of Cond? Nast Traveler (nine times) and Travel + Leisure (seven times), and awarded "Best Luxury Cruise Line" by (2012). International awards include "Five Star Diamond Award" from the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences (2013); "Best Small Ship Cruise Line" in the Readers' Choice survey conducted by Britain's Cond? Nast Traveller magazine (2012); "Best Luxury Cruise Line" by Australia's Cruise Passenger magazine (2012); "Best Small Luxury Cruise Line" by China's Travel + Leisure (2012); and "Best Luxury Cruise Company" according to the Scottish Passenger Agents' Association (2012).

# # #


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Assad: Syria transition talks are internal matter

FILE - This Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009 file photo shows Syrian President Bashar Assad, seen, during a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unseen, at the presidency in Tehran, Iran. Syrian President Bashar Assad says he won't step down before elections are held in his war-ravaged country. The Syrian leader's comments, published Saturday in the Argentine newspaper Clarin, highlight the difficulties the U.S. and Russia face in getting the Assad regime and Syria's political opposition to the table at an international conference envisioned for next month. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File)

FILE - This Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009 file photo shows Syrian President Bashar Assad, seen, during a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unseen, at the presidency in Tehran, Iran. Syrian President Bashar Assad says he won't step down before elections are held in his war-ravaged country. The Syrian leader's comments, published Saturday in the Argentine newspaper Clarin, highlight the difficulties the U.S. and Russia face in getting the Assad regime and Syria's political opposition to the table at an international conference envisioned for next month. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File)

This citizen journalism image provided by Edlib News Network, ENN, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows black smoke rising from what rebels say is a helicopter that was shot down at Abu Dhour military airbase which is besieged by the rebels, in the northern province city of Idlib, Syria, Friday May 17, 2013. Rights activists have found torture devices and other evidence of abuse in government prisons in the first Syrian city to fall to the rebels, Human Rights Watch said in a report Friday. (AP Photo/Edlib News Network ENN)

BEIRUT (AP) ? Syrian President Bashar Assad said in a newspaper interview Saturday he won't step down before elections and that the United States has no right to interfere in his country's politics, raising new doubts about a U.S-Russian effort to get Assad and his opponents to negotiate an end to the country's civil war.

In the capital Damascus, a car bomb killed at least three people and wounded five, according to Syrian state TV. It said bomb experts dismantled other explosives in the area.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an activist group, said eight people were killed, including four members of the security forces. Discrepancies in death tolls are common in the chaotic aftermath of bombings in Syria.

Assad's comments to the Argentine newspaper Clarin were the first about his political future since Washington and Moscow agreed earlier this month to try to bring the Syrian regime and the opposition to an international conference for talks about a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The U.S. and Russia have backed opposite sides in the conflict, but appear to have found common ground in the diplomatic push.

The White House and the Kremlin envision holding the meeting next month, but no date has been set. Neither Assad nor the Syrian National Coalition, the main Western-backed coalition group, has made a firm commitment to attend.

In the interview, Assad seemed to play down the importance of such a conference, saying a decision on Syria's future is up to the Syrian people and that the U.S. has no right to interfere. He also said a decision on his political future must be made in elections, and not during such a conference.

"We said from the beginning that any decisions having to do with reform in Syria or any political doing is a local Syrian decision," he said. "Neither the U.S nor any other state is allowed to intervene in it. This issue is dealt with in Syria."

"That's why this possibility is determined by the Syrian people themselves; you go to the elections, you nominate yourself, there's a possibility you win and a possibility you don't," Assad added, hinting he might seek another term.

"This is the possibility. The possibility is not to enter the conference predetermined on something that the people did not determine themselves," he said.

Clarin posted a video of the interview, dubbed into Spanish, on the newspaper's website. The president's Facebook page later posted Arabic subtitles.

The Syrian president's remarks highlight the difficulties the U.S. and Russia face in getting the two sides to agree on the terms of negotiations themselves, let alone brokering a resolution to the civil war itself. The Western-backed Syrian National Coalition has said any transition talks should lead to Assad's ouster.

More than 70,000 people have been killed and several million displaced since the uprising against Assad erupted in March 2011 and escalated into a civil war.

Assad has dismissed those trying to topple him as foreign-backed terrorists. Many in the political opposition say the Syrian president and his inner circle cannot be expected to negotiate in good faith after they brutally suppressed peaceful protests.

In the interview, Assad compared himself to the skipper of a ship riding Syria's turbulent seas, saying "the country is in a crisis and when a ship faces a storm, the captain does not flee."

"The first thing he does is face the storm and guide the ship back to safety," Assad said. "I am not someone who flees from my responsibilities."

Meanwhile, divisions among rebel groups were on display in the country's largest city, Aleppo, where two Islamic militant groups engaged in tit-for--tat kidnappings of each other's fighters.

From the start, Syria's political opposition has been dogged by infighting, while the armed rebel groups have been unable to unite under a unified command.

The tensions in Aleppo involve a coalition of rebel groups known as the Judicial Council and another faction, Ghurabaa al-Sham. The confrontation began earlier this week when the Judicial Council accused the second group of looting factories in an industrial neighborhood of Aleppo.

The city of 3 million is split between rebel and government control.

Members of the two groups clashed in the area earlier this week, leaving four members of the Judicial Council dead, said Rami Abdul-Rahman, the head of the Observatory.

The Judicial Council then seized dozens of members of the rival group and is still holding them, he said. Ghurabaa al-Sham also took hostages from the Judicial Council, but has since released them, according to Aleppo-based activist Mohammed Saeed.

"The situation is very tense in Aleppo," said Abdul-Rahman, who relies on a network of activists around the country. He said Ghurabaa al-Sham has warned it will bring in some of its fighters from outside the city to take on the Judicial Council if its members are not freed.

Islamic militants fighting in the rebel ranks have become increasingly dominant, often taking up frontline positions. They share the objective of setting up an Islamic state, though some are more nationalistic, while others more religious. One of the most powerful of the Islamic groups, Jabhat al-Nusra, is linked to al-Qaida.

Bilal Saab, a political analyst, said infighting among rival Islamic militant factions is inevitable.

"The scene is so polarized and chaotic, it's ripe for competition and positioning now and after the regime falls," said Saab, director of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, North America.

"The Islamist groups have always been the dominant and most capable, but they have never really been operating under one single umbrella," he added.

In another sign of the chaos bred by the civil war, gunmen abducted the elderly father of Syria's deputy foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, his office said. Mekdad's father, who is in his 80s, was seized Saturday in the village of Ghossom in the southern Daraa province, Mekdad's office said.

The Observatory said regime forces arrested relatives of an alleged suspect in the kidnapping.

Mekdad has become one of the main faces of the regime to the outside world.


Associated Press writer Bassem Mroue in Beirut contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Union: Tech Industry Is ?Greedy? For Wanting To End Hiring Wait Period For Immigrants

074985183X?The tech industry is, frankly, being greedy. They are going back and asking for changes to language they helped write and blatantly trying to roll back requirements that give high-skilled American workers a fair shot at getting a job,” said AFL-CIO legislative Representative Andrea Zuniga DiBitetto about new proposals to ease the hiring of high-skilled foreign workers. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg reportedly called Senator Orin Hatch to push more tech-friendly changes to the comprehensive immigration reform bill. Among Hatch’s most contentious suggestions is an end to a 90-day wait period before companies can solicit applicants with a foreign work visa. According to Reuters, under Hatch’s amendment, employers would only have to make a good-faith effort to hire Americans. While, conceptually, comprehensive immigration reform has strong bi-partisan support, its passage is far from certain. Reuters could not report whether unions would support the bill, should Hatch’s changes go through. Many unions have been long-time opponents of high-skilled immigration reform. Most recently, the union-backed Economic Policy Institute?published (and criticized) a study on why the need for high-skilled immigrants was a myth. Should the unions lose this latest battle in the Senate, it will demonstrate their decline relative to the tech industry.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

'Obamagate' danger for the GOP: political overreach

Benghazi terrorist attack ... IRS and the tea party ... snooping on Associated Press reporters ... losing track of terrorists in the witness protection program.

What the heck, let?s just call the whole thing ?Obamagate,? a cluster of what Washington calls ?scandals? threatening to undermine whatever President Obama hoped to achieve in his second term.

?Impeachment? is being flung around by some opponents as congressional committee chairmen in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives line up to fire rhetorically at administration officials.

But there?s a danger for the GOP too, some Republicans warn ? particularly since Congress already labors under a 79 percent disapproval rate, according to the latest Gallup survey.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich concedes that Republicans ?overreached? in 1998 when they pushed for then-President Bill Clinton?s impeachment in the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Today, Gingrich told NPR Friday, House Republicans leading the investigative parade ?need to be calm and factual,? proceeding with caution as they sniff out any administration wrongdoing.

"For example,? he said, ?a [House] subcommittee ... should invite every single tea party, conservative, patriot group that was messed over by the IRS ? every single one of them ? to come in and testify, so that they build this deadening record of how many different people were having their rights abused by this administration.?

RECOMMENDED: Briefing IRS 101: Seven questions about the tea party scandal

New York Times writer Jonathan Weisman echoes Gingrich?s point: ?The most pressing question for Congressional Republicans is no longer how to finesse changes to immigration law or gun control, but how far they can push their cases against President Obama without inciting a backlash of the sort that has left them staggering in the past.?

?I?m being very cautious not to overplay my hand,? US Rep. Charles Boustany Jr., (R) of Louisiana, who sits on the Ways and Means Committee investigating the IRS, told the Times.

An editorial this week in the conservative National Review picks up the same theme. Its headline: ?Scandal Is Not an Agenda.?

?Democratic scandal does not take the place of a Republican agenda,? the magazine?s editors write. ?It does not reform the tax code or reduce the debt or ease regulatory burdens on small business. It cannot substitute for a strategy to replace Obamacare.?

?By all means, Republicans should run against the president and his party,? the editorial continues. ?They should at the same time understand that a purely negative message, however justified, will not produce the governing majority Republicans should be aiming for in the next two elections.?

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Mike Allen and Jim Vanderhei at put it more colorfully: ?Republicans are worried one thing could screw up the political gift of three Obama administration controversies at once: fellow Republicans.

?Top GOP leaders are privately warning members to put a sock in it when it comes to silly calls for impeachment or over-the-top comparisons to Watergate,? they write. ?They want members to focus on months of fact-finding investigations ? not rhetorical fury.?

Some of the most furious Republicans: Rep. Michele Bachmann asserting that the IRS probe of tea partiers ?is far worse than Watergate;? Sen. James Inhofe suggesting Obama?s impeachment; Sen. Ted Cruz likening Obama to Richard Nixon; former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee predicting darkly that ?before it?s all over, this president will not fill out his full term.?

?We have to be persistent but patient,? counters Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who told Politico, ?You don?t call for impeachment until you have evidence.?

Amitai Etzioni, professor of international relations at George Washington University, wonders about the longer-term impact of scandal mania.

?There is little doubt about the side effects of hearings, investigations, and media hoopla to follow: they will eat up much of whatever little political capital exists in Washington for bipartisan deals and constructive action,? he writes in The Atlantic. ?And they are sure to further delegitimize our political institutions, which the public already holds in unprecedented contempt.?

Obama?s current troubles may include some genuinely scandalous behavior. But if Republicans are perceived as bogging down legitimate government activity for political gain, they may be scarred as well.

RECOMMENDED: Briefing IRS 101: Seven questions about the tea party scandal

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Boston Marathon invites stopped runners back

BOSTON (AP) ? Boston Marathon organizers say runners who couldn't finish this year's race because of the explosions at the finish line can come back next year.

The Boston Athletic Association says people who passed the halfway checkpoint but not the finish line will get a code they can use to sign up in August. Regular registration for the 2014 Boston Marathon is scheduled to start in September.

The invitation applies to more than 5,000 people who were stopped on the course when the race was shut down at 2:50 p.m.

No decision has been made on whether the field will expand to include an expected influx of runners who say they want to run next year to support the race and the city.

Associated Press


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Friday, May 17, 2013

Ohio man convicted of murder in case hinging on paralyzed victim blinking eyes to ID shooter

CINCINNATI - An Ohio man was found guilty Thursday in the shooting death of a man who authorities say identified his assailant by blinking his eyes while paralyzed and hooked up to a ventilator.

Ricardo Woods, 35, was convicted of fatally shooting David Chandler in Cincinnati in 2010 by a Hamilton County Common Pleas jury that began deliberations Tuesday. Woods also was convicted of felonious assault. He could be sentenced to life in prison.

Police interviewed the 35-year-old Chandler while he was hooked up to a ventilator, paralyzed after being shot in the head and neck Oct. 28, 2010, as he sat in a car. He was only able to communicate with his eyes and died about two weeks later.

Prosecutors showed jurors a videotaped police interview in which they say Chandler blinked three times for "yes" to identify a photo of Woods as his shooter. The defence had tried to block the video, saying Chandler's blinks were inconsistent and unreliable.

Woods' attorney, Kory Jackson, said Chandler's condition and drugs used to treat him could have affected his ability to understand and respond during the police interview.

Judge Beth Myers had watched the video and said that she found the identification reliable. She noted that Chandler's identification was made by pronounced, exaggerated movement of the eyes and not by involuntary movements. A doctor who treated Chandler also testified that Chandler was able to communicate clearly about his condition.

In the video, police had to repeat some questions when Chandler failed to respond or when the number of times he blinked appeared unclear. But Chandler blinked his eyes hard three times when police asked him if the photo of Woods was the photo of his shooter. He again blinked three times when they asked him if he was sure.

A jailhouse informant testified that Woods told him he shot at Chandler because he caught him buying drugs from someone else while still owing Woods money for drugs.

The defence argued that the informant, who faced armed robbery charges, was trying to use testimony against Woods to get a lighter sentence for himself. The defence also said Chandler had stolen drugs from dealers, was considered a police "snitch" and had many enemies.

The defence insisted that Woods was a victim of misidentification and misinformation.

Legal experts say such cases ? where prosecutors attempt to show a defendant was identified by a gesture ? are not unheard of but are unusual. Dying identifications relying on gestures rather than words are often not used in trials because of concern over reliability or differing interpretations. But some have been used in murder cases around the country that have ended in convictions.


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